
FAQs for Xender
How to Transfer file from android to android, iOS or Windows Phone?

Android to Android:
(Make sure your devices has Personal Hotspot feature)
1. Tap the "+" button on either device and choose "Create Group".
2. After the device has successfully created the group, on the other device, taps "+" button and choose "Join Group".
3. Find your friend's device and click on it. Both of your devices should be automatically connected.
4. You can begin transferring files.

Android to Windows Phone:
(Make sure your devices has Personal Hotspot feature)
1. On Android device tap "+" button and choose "Connect WP".
2. After that on WP go to Wi-Fi settings and connect to the Wi-Fi created by the Android device.
3. Go back to Xender on WP and choose "Connect Friend". You should be automatically connected.
4. You can begin transferring files.

Android to iOS:
(Make sure your devices has Personal Hotspot feature)
1. On Android device tap "+" button and choose "Connect iPhone".
2. After that on iOS device go to Wi-Fi settings and connect to the Wi-Fi created by the Android device.
3. Go back to Xender on iOS and choose "Connect Friend". You should be automatically connected.
4. You can begin transferring files.

How to Transfer file from Windows Phone to iOS, Windows Phone?

Windows Phone to Windows Phone / Windows Phone to iOS / iOS to iOS:
(Make sure you have available Wi-Fi connection nearby)
1. Both of the devices have to be connected into the same Wi-Fi connection.
2. In Xender tap "Connect Friend". You will be redirected to another page which displays the devices that are connected to the same Wi-Fi.
3. Find your friend's device, select it and your devices should be automatically connected.
4. You can begin transferring files.

How to Transfer file from iOS to iOS?

iOS to iOS:
(Make sure you have available Wi-Fi connection nearby)
1. Both of the devices have to be connected into the same Wi-Fi connection.
2. In Xender tap "Connect Friend". You will be redirected to another page which displays the devices that are connected to the same Wi-Fi.
3. Find your friend's device, select it and your devices should be automatically connected.
4. You can begin transferring files.

How to Transfer file from phone to PC ?

Phone Device (Android) to PC/Laptop
1. Open Xender in your Android device, tap the "+" button and choose "Connect PC".
2. Open web.xender.com in your Laptop/PC.
3. Scan the QR Code with your Android device; both devices should be automatically connected.

Phone Device (iOS) to PC/Laptop
1. Open Xender in your Android device, tap the "Connect PC" on side menu and
2. Open web.xender.com in your Laptop/PC.
3. Scan the QR Code with your iOS device; both devices should be automatically connected.

1. On Xender choose Connect PC mode and turn on the Personal Hotspot.
2. Let your laptop join the Personal Hotspot created by your mobile device.
3. Open the link on the Xender (
4. Accept the permission on your mobile device, and you should be connected.

*Direct Mode – Both devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi/Internet network and there will be no data transfer limitation.
*Cloud Mode – One of the devices is not connected to the same Wi-Fi/Internet network and there will be data transfer limitation of 10MB.

How to replicate or backup phone by Xender?

Replicate Android:
(Make sure your devices has Personal Hotspot feature)
1. Connect to your friend’s phone normally.
2. Tap their name/icon and select "Import Friend’s Data". The other device needs to authorize the transfer.
3. Select which data that you want to import.
4. Tap "Save" to save the data on your other device.

Replicate iOS:
1. Connect to your friend’s phone normally and tap their name/icon to import the data.
2. Select which data that you want to import. The other device needs to authorize the transfer.
3. Confirm the request by tapping the "OK" button on the other device.

How can I set the file destination? Can I specify where the files should be stored?

Xender provide you with two options to where the file will be stored, Phone Storage (Internal) or SD Card Storage if it's available on your device. These options can be accessed through Settings > Storage Location > Phone Storage / SD Card Storage.

Move Xender to SD Card (*)
This feature is only available if your device has a SD Card inserted inside. Go to Settings, Manage Apps and choose Xender. You can move Xender to SD Card or from SD Card to your Internal Memory.

Do we need to use Mobile Data to transfer files/Apps?

Xender makes use of your phone’s Wi-Fi hotspot feature for file transfer and will definitely not use your mobile data.

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